Picture this: you are having a calm evening at home watching TV or reading a book while you relax on your couch. Life is great and peaceful. Suddenly your neighbor begins to blare his music. The bass is turned up so loudly that all you can hear is the sound of your house's walls vibrating. Welcome to the world of sea animals located in areas that are being seismically tested.
To be sure that this oil even exists beyond our shores will require seismic testing and then well drilling. Environmentalists are outraged by the suggested developments in such a controversial location. I agree with their arguments. According to the Interior Department, up to 27,000 dolphins and 4,600 whales could be put at risk in their own environments. It is outrageous to think about what the greed of our nation could cause. If not death, then stress and behavioral changes are likely to occur in these magnificent sea creatures. The vibrations from the seismic tests could interfere with the underwater communication that these animals rely on. Even feeding and mating patterns could be altered by this outside stimulus.
The problem with all of this is that once it starts, it will not stop. The Atlantic coast will soon turn into an offshore development that guzzles American funds and drains the life out of natural underwater habitats. Disaster is inevitable if oil production is allowed to commence. This is not a project that will be over in a few years, rather, it will take decades to even begin it properly and the potential negative results far outweigh the possibilities of additional oil reserves. The environment should be more important than the deep pockets of greedy corporations.