Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Left to Their Own Devices

     After Obama's State of the Union Address, his own party members began to criticize his opinions. Thanks to Time, readers can see multiple Democratic points of view in one article. The fun part is that it shows controversy between politicians in the same party.
     Apparently our president is planning on utilizing his executive powers to step around Congress. This article tells us how Alaska Senator Mark Begich feels about the whole thing, including why Obama's policies toward energy are wrong. Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor is disappointed with the lack of specifics in the State of the Union Address. It has become obvious that Obama's once bombastic ideas have deflated, and even the people in his own party are beginning to find fault with him. A few Democratic Senators have even avoided making public appearances with the Democratic president.
     This Time article shows that political parties are not entirely cohesive. I chose to read it and blog about it in order to raise the veil that has clouded my own mind and stop myself from thinking that members of the same party are all on the same page. It is especially interesting to read about internal strife among the opposite party.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Opening a Can of Worms: The Political Biography of a High School Senior

Growing up in a conservative household, I picked up right-sided political values and claimed them as my own. However, as I got older I began to realize that there are two sides of every coin. Strangely enough though, and unlike many rebellious teenagers, I still hold to the conservative ideals rooted in my family's history. A recent online quiz served only to confirm my suspicions about my true political orientation. I am hoping that this government course will provide me with substantial proof and reasoning behind my conservative opinions. As I approach the age of eighteen and will soon be able to vote, I want to be able to make informed decisions based on a knowledge of how the United States government is run. Freedom is a unique concept in today's world, so living in a nation founded on such liberating principles is quite a learning opportunity. I want this class to be the flashlight I can carry with me into the dark world of politics as I inch closer and closer toward my own independence.